大家較熟悉的歌曲可能是[temple of the king],這首歌之前已介紹過,

有興趣的人可到文章分類-音樂(soft rock)裡找到,今天再介紹此張專輯

另外一首我蠻喜歡的歌曲,catch the rainbow與大家一同分享^^

When evening falls
She'll run to me
Like whispered dreams
Your eyes can't see
Soft and warm
She'll touch my face
A bed of straw
Against the lace

* we believed we'd catch the rainbow
Ride the wind to the sun
Sail away on ships of wonder
But life's not a wheel
With chains made of steel
So bless me come the dawn
Come the dawn

Catch The Rainbow / RAINBOW


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